
^^^ Click on Link to watch!^^^
Here is the written document on ABC: Counterfeit Drugs, Real Problems.

  • Video by IBM titled:IBM Tracks Products Across Supply Chain Systems to Ensure Quality and Safety. (2010)
  • A video on how to avoid counterfeit drugs over the internet from the FDA. (2007)
  • A video from Rep. Steve Israel  discussing his legislation to combat counterfeit drugs, Tim Fagan’s Law (H.R. 2726). (2009)
  • A video Public Service Announcement on the dangers of counterfeit medicines produced by USAID/Cambodia Mission, U.S. Pharmacopeia’s DQI Program, and Living Films of Thailand. (2009)
  • A video on fake Malaria drugs and their effect. (2008) Economist Roger Bate, Co-founder of Africa Fighting Malaria, explains why this is happening and what can be done to help. Fighting Malaria.
  • Fox news video on how pharmacies are detecting counterfeit drugs. Testing the molecular structure of the drug is the best way by a machine that can tell if pharmaceuticals are real or counterfeit. (2008)

^^^ Click on Link to watch!^^^

  • INTERPOL campaign videos. Click HERE for blog post about these. (2010)
  • 60 Minutes’ video about a nine-month investigation of counterfeit prescription drugs reveals how the dangerous and sometimes deadly fakes get into the nation’s drug pipeline. Dr. Sanjay Gupta reports.
  • Fake Medicines Mafia in Europe video (2011):  TV Documentary about the flourishing business of Counterfeit Medicines in Western Europe, showing how influential the Drug-Mafia has become.
  • Great video! Must watch!

3 responses

6 12 2009
HR 2726 « Counterfeit Drugs Around the World

[…] Videos […]

1 11 2010
16 05 2013
Ingeborg van Schayk

Dying of a disease may be inevitable. Dying of a medicine never should be.
The Dutch Malaria Foundation has started a petition campaign against the trade in counterfeit malaria drugs. Please sign the petition and help us spreading the word http://www.fakedrugskill.org

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